jeudi 29 mars 2012

سنقاطع الفيسبوك يوم 10-4-2011/2012 ردا علي اغلاق صفحة الانتفاضة الفلسطينية

ردا علي اغلاق صفحات الانتفاضة الفلسطينية سنقاطع الفيسبوك نهائيا يوم الاحد العاشر من أبريل - سوف يعرفون مدي اتحادنا ومدي قوتنا - لا تكن سلبيا وشارك في يوم المقاطعة وادعو اصدقائك للمشاركة - سوف تصل اصواتنا اعلي مما يتخيلون - الفسيبوك موقع يربح عن طريق الاعلانات والمقاطعة ستكلفه الكثير وهذه خطوة اولي والبقة تأتي - لقد تقرر تأجيل المقاطعة الي يوم العاشر من ابريل لكى نحشد المزيد من الاعداد الداعمة للمقاطعة - ارجو النشر ولا تبخل علي فلسطين بيوم بدون فيسبوك
 ملحوظة : المقاطعة طوال اليوم - لا تفتح حسابك

رأي مشترك معنا يدرس دعاية واعلان
 موقع الفيس بوك يربح ملاين في الثانية نتيجة عرض كل اعلان على يسار الصفحة الموجودة عندك فبمجرد دخولك يعتبروا أن هناك شخصا قد رأى الإعلان 
وهذه الإعلانات يتم شراء مساحة اعلانية لها على موقع الفيس ويتم الدفع عن كل شخص رأى الإعلان أو ظهر الإعلان على صفحته ممكن أن يكون قرش او قرشين عن كل شخص رأى الإعلان فعندما نقاطع الفيس ليوم كامل لن يرى احد هذه الإعلانات وبالتالي ستكون خسارة كبيرة لموقع الفيس بوك

In response to the provoked act of closing the pages of the Palestinian uprising from face book frequently under the request of the Israel media minister . we ask you all to join us on boycotting face book for whole day on Sunday 10th April -2011 – from to 12 pm . they will know the extent of our union and the extent of our strength as Muslim and Arab nation - do not be negative and participate us ..

So, Could you boycott face book for just one day as support for your Muslim brothers in Palestine !?
 join and invite your friends to participate - our voices will reach higher than where they imagine 

why to boycott face book for one day ?

We consider this attitude as conspired to commit war crimes against our nation , and against the issue of people struggling For their freedom and enjoyment of the right to self-determination and establish their independent state like the peoples of the earth .
 we want them to know that we are majority of Muslims users who Love Face book & use it daily , but we are against this new direction of face book on supporting such issues ,, we want it to be neutral space wide enough for every one or otherwise we will quite to find another respectable reasonable neutral network ..

How this could help :

The Face book company Winning by advertising and the province would cost a lot and this is just first step and the rest will come .
 Face book is winning millions per second as a result of each advertise on the left of the page 
Once you logged in , that consider for them that someone had seen the ad .
 These ads are buying advertising space on Face book site and are paying for each person saw the ad per click , so your support by boycott will cost them a lot .

The last important point :
 • the province throughout the whole day – from 00: am to 12: pm , do NOT open your account .

• copy this message and send it to Mark Zuckerberg the
 Founder and CEO at Facebook at, send it before the boycott day 10/4 , share it with your friends and encourage them to support our brothers .


Am Muslim user of Face book , and am sending this message In response to the provoked act of closing the pages of the Palestinian uprising from face book frequently under the request of the Israel media minister .we are really disappointed for this act which show us clearly duplicity of your scales , and we inform you that we will boycott face book for whole day on Sunday 10th April -2011 – from to 12 pm .

we want you to know that we are majority of Muslims users who Love Facebook & use it daily , but we are totally against this new direction of facebook on supporting such issues , we want it to be neutral space wide enough for every one . or otherwise we will quite to find another respectable reasonable neutral network .

We consider this attitude as conspired to commit war crimes against our nation , and against the issue of people struggling For their freedom and enjoyment of the right to self-determination and establish their independent state like the peoples of the earth .

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